Welcome to the EUDC Council website.

This site intends to provide a central source of information on the European Universities Debating Championships and the Council as its governing body.
As of now, this website is one of two central sources on EUDC:
- This website provides information on previous Championships and the work of the Council.
- Lastly, there is a Google doc which is open to editing, and hopefully will help collecting information on previous Championships. If you have any of that information, please share it here.
Furthermore, should you have any of the following pieces of information, we would be grateful if you could email them to us:
- Missing tabs: The team tab from Ljubljana/Portoroz Euros 2001 and the speaker tab from Aberdeen Euros
- Motions: The Motions for Aberdeen Euros 2000 and the ESL motions from Rotterdam Euros 1999
- Adjudication: Information on breaking judges from almost all Championships
- Links to websites from National Debating Societies
The same goes for any other information concerning the Championships or Council's work that might still be slumbering on your hard drives - we would like to have that!
page revision: 32, last edited: 05 Sep 2017 02:51